Thursday, December 29, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
I have a new hair clip that Jermaine and Jennifer admonish..
My new pink leather silver Ferragamo hair clip..
It cost 95 cents *opps dollars..
But it was on sale mah...
My sis and Wei Wei went to choose and buy for me..
I wanted the baby blue one too...
My office administrator fell down yesterday..
I tried to help her by stretching out my hand to pull her up..
But she *die die* want to hold on her papers..
So she fell backwards with her head landing near the dustbin..
And I helped her pick up her glasses before her *big* butt crushed them..
When I went back to think about it,
All I wanted to do was to laugh....
And laugh, I did..
I am so mean...
Last nite, my dar tormented me..
What's it about tattoos?
Tattoos don't harm my health nor that of those around me..
Of course, smoking is worse..
I'll make you get one one day to know the addictiveness of tattooing..
That is if I drug you, or make you very drunk...
Help me still want to be nice to you...
And show me that you love me okay...
I don't forgive nor forget that easily...
Ok, bye...
*sianz in office
One must Know the rules when dealing with Scorpio
What you should do:Dress up and look good for the Scorpio.
The Scorpion appreciates beauty and sex appeal.
Have a no-holds-barred approach.
The Scorpio will delve into your secrets,anyway.
Don't hold on.
A relationship with the Scorpio is an exciting journey of discovery, so go along!
Be comfortable with the Scorpio gaze.
Squirming will not help!
Share everything with your Scorpio.
This will make for a highly fulfilling relationship.
What you should not do:
Don't ever accuse the Scorpio of playing with your emotions.
The Scorpio promise of fidelity is as good as gold.
The green-eyed monster is the most dangerous part of your relationship.
Try and keep jealousy at bay.
You need to take lessons in handling your emotions with a Scorpio.
Try not to contribute to the emotional fireworks in the relationship.
Don't have a narrow mind.
With the Scorpio, you must be prepared foranything.
Don't ever keep secrets from the Scorpio.
Beautiful You
Do you find people giving you a second look all the time?
Well, they should, for yours is the sign of the slinky seductress!
No other sign has your mystique, so take pride in it.
You are intense, amorous, passionate, and in equal measures, secretive.
You take refuge in your sensuality, and this works very well for you.
An electric sexual energy is almost second nature to you.
But there is a soft side, which you prefer to guard.
You don't go for the musky perfumes as much as you do sweeter essences like vanilla or spicy fragrances like cinnamon.
You love a makeover, don't you?
That is why you don't hesitate a bit to try on the new purple wig, or those long eyelashes.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Four years ago, you were the spark in my life...
Four years later, we are trying to forget...
We'll never succeed in forgetting..
I blame myself at times...
It pains me and makes me feel bad...
Guilt plagues...
It can't be helped..
Please try to understand
Please move on with your life..
It serves no good ...
I know one day, it'll all come back to me...
I dread for that day to come..
I don't know how to make it all go away..
Wounds heal but scars remain...
I just wish the best for you..
I'm sure you'll move on..
I'm sure in time, you'll lead a better life than me..
I will not have anyone to blame..
I will not ask you to take me back...
My pride's just too much...
If solitude it must be,
then solitude it will have to be...
For now, don't look and you shall seek....
Thank you, thank you for your love, time and patience..
Friday, December 23, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
At the Sheng Shiong Supermarket..last night
Dar witnessed a horrific accident outside his office yesterday at the road..
I saw the aftermath of it..
My sis drove over the still stained red road lane..
I was in the car...
Bad thoughts of mine at the supermarket:-
Through YOU, I saw ME..
In ME, I saw HIM...
Please don't....
I miss those days.. or I think I missED those
What is a ganglion cyst?
A ganglion cyst is a bump or mass that forms under the skin. Most commonly, ganglions are seen on the wrist (usually the back side) and fingers, but they can also develop around joints on the shoulder, elbow, knee, hip, ankle and foot. Ganglion cysts form when tissues surrounding certain joints become inflamed and swell up with lubricating fluid. They can increase in size when the tissue is irritated and often can "disappear" spontaneously. These masses or cysts appear to grow sometimes but they are not tumours or cancerous.
What are the symptoms?
Ganglions can be painless; however, they often are associated with tenderness and pain which may restrict the range of movements.
How are ganglion cysts recognized?
The diagnosis of ganglion cyst is made by physical examination. Medical tests such as x-rays may be used to confirm the diagnosis.
How are ganglion cysts treated?
The treatment can consist of rest, splinting the affected joint and, in some cases, aspiration of fluid is recommended. If a ganglion cyst tends to reoccur, surgical removal may be recommended.
What are the causes of ganglion cysts?
The cause of ganglions is not always clear. Non-occupational factors or conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis have been associated with ganglion cysts. Occupational factors play also an important role in the development of ganglions. Those occupations that require workers to excessively overuse certain joints such as the wrist and fingers pose the risk for ganglion cysts.
Sunday, December 18, 2005

King Kong: The Movie
The show which lasted a good 3 hours and 10 minutes stirred up a great deal of emotions for me..
Boredom (the first part where dar fell asleep)
Scary (the tribal cannibal people)
Disgust (i really went through the motion of wanting to vommit at the scene of the giant water leech swallowing the person's head.. like geoduck.. gross)
Excitement (the thrills of Naomi Watts running away from a T-rex only to be beside the nose of another T-rex, King Kong against 3 T-Rex)
Anger (hate all the T-Rex)
Empathy (for King Kong and Naomi Watts)
Funny (The Jack Driscoll guy [forgot his real name, the pianist guy) with his forlorn expressions of love for Ann [Naomi Watts] and looking like Jughead Jones in Archie comics. King Kong who killed T-Rex by breaking their jaws and opening and closing their jaws like toys after they are dead to test if they are still alive]
Sadness (when King Kong died... when he watched the sunset with Naomi.. magically beautiful)
I love King Kong.. do u guys remember when u were young, ur parents brought you to World Trade or some place where they actually exhibited the real 25 foot gorilla??
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Shang Hen Lei Lei...
I am starting to hate December...
I'm getting injured every now and them..
I have a swollen knucle?bone? which hurts as I am typing on my right palm...
I have a big burst blister on the base of my left foot, for walking from my office to Wheelocck Place last night...
Haiz.. I need to see the doctor....
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Boo. Who can really sing the song in my heart? No one. Because everyone tells me to continue what I'm doing now. They say, dreams later because I should not let the amount of time and money spent during these 6 months to go down the drain. But nobody understands that I don't want to let it tie me down for the rest of my life. They didn't realise that I can't afford another degree with dreams later.
To my office darling: To me, you are simply BRILLIANT!!
Monday, December 05, 2005
Dar..this is to remind you that if you accidentally or purposely hang up my line again... the fine is S$50.00
You promised already on the night of 5th December 2005.
So I have put it in writing here on the blog now..
And stop looking at "mei nu".. later ur eyes swollen again.. *PUI...

Our story.. In my own words...
I am still nursing my sprained ankle and am quite bored, least to say..
Dar hung up on me because *i think* his fone ran out of battery.. *either that or he could not tahan my incessant complaining*
So here I am on a Monday night, at home and sitting in front of this one-eyed monster.. and I start to ponder and I start to type... I was looking through the photographs in my computer and I realised that we took quite a few photographs together and am starting to recall those days when we first met.. slightly more than a year ago..
Dar, you said that you were going to show me your memory box.. so I am hoping that here, I can take you down memory lane.. after all, the photos that you "captured" from my previous blog were limited, weren't they? *winks... the photos and words tell a story.. our story.. so sit back, relax and enjoy the ride...
21st October 2004, Friday, Venue: Thumper @ Goodwood Park Hotel...
It was one of my first few visits there..
I discovered Thumper from my ex-fling Louis... Thumper only opened in July and was not well known then, to say the least... There was the live band and plenty of space to stand and move around...
I had just returned to the clubbing scene ...
I just knew bouncer, Yus
(now head of security *way to go man) then and apparently, you and your brothers had already noticed us when we were sitting table to table (on the sofas opposite the dj console) on the Tuesday night..
I had my back facing you guys and could not recall any of you since none of you interested me... Emily, my gal pal was roped in with me to go Thumper... after our huge long break since the days of TP Vincent....
Emily and I could recall you because of your unique dress sense and quirky hairstyle moving in and out of the club... Later than I know, that was so as to grab our *my attention... :)
This time, on Friday... I met you...
I recalled making my way to the washroom. When I returned, I found Patrick and you sitting at our table. Emily told me that Patrick came up to her and introduced himself..
I can't really recall what transpired in the conversation between us.. but I remember keying in my phone number in your phone under my now-famous nickname, *Sweetheart* @ Thumper and you buying me a Blue Lagoon...
Peter Fernandez, one of the club's owners, sang "xiao wei".. Yus introed me to him..
That night, Emily went down... way down.. I remember helping her out to the sofa behind the counter..She threw up on me... When I passed her the buff bag and asked her if she wanted to throw up, she declined in her drunken stupor, and puked on me!!
Peter came to help and gave her a rub on the back.. Soon, you guys appeared..
Just a week ago, I got a pair of pink barbie doll slip on from VNC.. as shown below.. While I was attending to Emily, the pink diamond from the shoe came off.. Patrick was kindly attending to Emily and you offered to help me to fix my shoe..
*the pretty pink shoes which I still
have not one but two pairs..*
There were holes in the wooden vertical flooring and I warned you not to lose my diamond in the holes.. You cast my worries aside and said that you could accomplish such an easy task...
My diamond went down...
Way down into the hole.. which was still visible to the eye...
I was mad.....
My pretty princess shoe...
You offered to buy me a new pair
but ...
That was the last pair in my size which I got from the store!!!
Against all odds, you asked me to hand you my shoes ...
The valet got me my other pair of blue strappy shoes from the car and I soon sent Emily back...
We made a date to meet for Halloween celebrations at the club, a first for me!!
October 30th 2004, Saturday.. Venue Thumper Bar...
We barely spoke through the week..
Patrick asked you to throw away my shoes.. what's there to bother for someone whom you'll never meet again??
Strangely enough, fate provided you with the best *exaggerating?* opportunity to see me again..
You went to the VNC shop at city hall... and insisted *demanded* on the same pair of shoes....the salesgirl was stunned at your insistence and you were a head turner among all the office ladies in the shop...
Exactly what I had in mind... *snaps fingers*
To replace the diamond on my shoes with the diamond from the same shoe *half a size bigger ..
You turned up on Halloween...with my shoes in tow.. Yus saved us a high table in front .. Emily dressed as a witch with her brrom from Toys 'R' Us..
*Emily and her broomstick with me in the background
Photo taken by my favourite, David Chin, another owner of the club..
I was impressed and taken aback that you really took the trouble to fix my one week old pinky goldie shoes... :)
Since then on.. we kept contact and partied on..
A week and two days later.. it was to be my 23rd birthday ...
We made a pact to celebrate this good time of mine there... *at TBar - where else*
9th November 2004, Tuesday.. Venue Bar: Thumper, yet again...
Tuesday night, a rare night to party.. Then again, it was my birthday eve...
My guests from left: Jennifer, Joys, Me, Jassica and Emily ... (the only male, Klenn, not in the photo)
I picked Emily from Holland Village and we bought a strawberry chantily cake from BreadTalk...
Unknown to me that orange was your favourite colour, I was decked out in a mini orange halter which I bought with Jas (my momo) a few days ago..
That night, I had a first taste of my cordon bleu... *i still keep the bottle, where the label reads: Sweetheart..
I remember entering the club and being greeted with your pretty bouquet of red roses..
*Pardon the make-up lah.. High already...
You couldn't get 23 red roses that night.. Innovatively, the salesgirl asked you to make up the last flower with a pink rose.. so that before the clock strikes 12, I am 22 and after the clock strikes 12, i am 23...
I was entranced by your loveliness but brushed at it aside..
Your friends trailed in soon after, at your request...
Here's a photo of you, Big Eric, Small Eric and Andy..
We had a blast.. when I hit the loo at close to midnight, u guys pushed me out to cut the cake with the band singing Happy Birthday..
Emily and I were roped in to sing a song...
She chose "Zombie" in the end, as that was the only song she knew how to sing.. *how very appropriate...
And then, to my favourite of the club, I showed off my second tattoo which I just did at Johnny's that morning..
More photos of that night...
Sumhow, I love the photo below.. but I think my parents will flip when they see it!!
We've not looked back since then.. and became better friends than ever.... I sent a message to you saying that I love you that night? that's for the wonderful bday celebration my dear..*don't think least, not then...we * i mean I* look charming though.. But of course, it was my bday, my day to glow.. *WInk
Sunday, December 04, 2005
I am super dead... I am also super tired..
Why 1730 hours takes so long to come?
I hate it.. I hate the stupid cleaner...
They should not mop the floor in a crowded cineplex on a Saturday evening when the cinema is most crowded...
Now I end up with a sprained ankle..
To my defence, I did not fall.. I only tripped.. but I ended up with a swollen ankle... both right and left...
Jen and Jer: We don't seem to be fated to go shopping together on a Monday evening...
Dar: I promise you can be my gen-pi-chong and follow me wherever I go so that I will not trip again... You can be my strong wall pillar....
I want to recover soon and enjoy my upcoming weekend... I will visit the chinese physician again.. I must eat my medicine...
It's a long day at work.. If not for my client, I would have been on medical leave today...Had gastric at 5 am on Sat morning... Thanks dar for waking up to listen to my aches and pains....
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